March 2022
Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT), developed over the past 30 years by Professor Franz Ruppert is effective in addressing the physical and emotional health issues now associated with Early Trauma. His Intention Method, a unique exploration of the psyche, consistently demonstrates that we can re-integrate our split-off trauma in a step by step process. The resulting inner shift forms the basis of an increasingly healthy identity, from which healthier relationships can be experienced, with ourselves and others.
"The turbulence of our times demands strong selves with a clear sense of identity, competence and worth. With a breakdown of cultural consensus, an absence of worthy role models, little in the public arena to inspire our allegiance, and disorientingly rapid change a permanent feature of our lives, it is a dangerous moment in history not to know who we are or not to trust ourselves. The stability we cannot find in the world we must create within our own persons." Nathaniel Brandon